Tuesday, May 9, 2017

5 Secret Exercises for Getting Pumped Up Muscle at Home

It's no secret that there have been certain exercises to working out and getting pumped. We have 5 secret exercises for getting pumped up muscle at home and without heavy equipment. All you're going to need is a hand towel or bath towel. You might be thinking that these exercises couldn't possibly get you pumped up muscle, but you would be DEAD wrong! I have used these to get ripped at home for free and the secret is out...these work to get you jacked and ripped.

1. Push-up Hand Raises
In order to do the push-up hand raises you're going to want to grip your towel about shoulder width apart. Then you assume push-up position when you're at your highest, then you try to raise your hands one at a time as close to your body as you can get them. If this doesn't work with your hands being shoulder width apart then put them closer together. This exercise will work your shoulders, your triceps, your chest, and your abs. Try to pull your hands apart as you lift the hands one at a time.

2. Military Press Skull Crushers
To properly execute the military press you hold the towel shoulder width apart and you extend your arms above your head and bring it down in front or behind your head. For this exercise we are going to bend our elbows as our hands go behind our head. Once your hands are above your head we are going to pull our hands apart while gripping the towel. This exercise will work your shoulders, upper back,

3. Super Crunch
We are doing a variation of a crunch in which you are going to hold the towel shoulder width apart and try to get the towel gripping hands to your feet at the end of the crunch. Focus on trying to pull the towel gripped hands apart. This will give us a greater stretch in our shoulders and a deeper crunch in our abs. All of the sections of the ab wall be activated. Don't bounce as this will take away of the deep burn that you will experience.

4. High Knees
High knees are done when you run in place, trying to get your knees as high as you can. We are going to hold the towel out in front of us and try to pull those long shoulder width arms apart. You can variate this by bouncing the hands up and down while trying to do those high knees. Another variation of these high knees is to variate your running speed. Try running slower, then faster, then at a medium pace. This exercise will toast your legs, abs, and your arms.

5. Squashing Squat
We are going to ramp up the squat and make it something to behold. This is going to be a man-maker of an exercise. Assume the squat position with your towel in your hands at shoulder width apart fully stretched out. Push your hands out until you can feel your abs activate. Push your hands up and stretch those abs upwards after a few moments, and then thrust those hands down in a sort of a squat crunch. Try to push the hands apart in order to get more out of this exercise.

Pull the hands apart as much as you can with these exercises in order to get more burn and deeper reps. Do these exercises every day until failure and you will be ripped and jacked with huge muscles.

All of these exercises are variations that are designed to get the nooks and crannies that are normally neglected. They burn more fat and build more muscle by utilizing multiple muscles at once. You guys and gals will definitely feel your body getting buff and ripped as your muscles will be burning immediately. Please share this blog post, subscribe to our blog and leave a comment below to share your results and let me know what I should blog about next! Use these 5 secret exercises for getting pumped up muscle at home.

-Home Brewed

Wednesday, May 3, 2017

3 Keys to Home Brewed Muscle Building

I once knew a man that coined the phrase, "anything worth having is worth working for." I have believed this for a long time now since he said it. Today I want to take it further than that in order that we might succeed in our brewing of ripped muscle at home. After all, you can't squeeze coffee out of a tea bag, and you definitely can't brew home grown muscle without the proper mindset. We will look at 3 keys to home brewed muscle building that will lay the foundation for the work we will put in to get ripped at home. I'm brewing coffee with these three keys that are the golden coffee beans to home brewed ripped muscle!

Addiction Complex

The biggest problem that we face when trying to workout anywhere let alone home is motivation. It's even harder when you're in the comfort of your own home. The addiction complex is being insanely stoked about working out. You have to want it. You MUST be addicted to working out. You have to be hungry for that great feeling you get when you workout. This is the first key to home brewed muscle building at home.

Extreme Discipline

Home brewed muscle comes after you have built up the most extreme discipline achievable. This second key is the hardest to control and attain and harness, but it is the most rewarding key. The reason the extreme discipline is the hardest to achieve is because any discipline is hard to achieve. The word discipline is closely tied in with the word focus or to focus on something. Extreme discipline can be learned, but it will take many hard hours to teach yourself how to be extremely disciplined.

Ginormous Thirst

Have you ever had one of those huge 64 OZ. sodas and you slug it down within a few minutes on a hot day? That is how thirsty I need you to be. This is not a game or for the faint of heart. I want to help you get muscle get ripped and feel great and look great. This is the last vital key to home brewed muscle at home. I need you to be thirsty like a championship athlete thirsts for the greatest reward and achievement that they can accomplish in their sport.  Why thirst? I chose for one of the keys to be thirst because a body cannot survive without water, rather, you must give yourself water in order to survive and also with homebrewed muscle, you must be thirsty for it or you will not survive. Only those with a ginormous thirst will be able to achieve home brewed ripped muscle.

In conclusion, I would like to share a story with you that you will be able to take to heart and remember when you are working out.  There once was a young man that had an older man that was teaching him how to work out and discipline his body. The young man worked hundreds of hours, but the older man realized that the younger man didn't want his goals bad enough and told the young man that he would never succeed. The young man was upset at the old man for doubting him. The older man told the younger man that until he wanted it as bad as he wanted to breathe that he would never be successful.

-Home Brewed

Home Brewed Muscle

I was contemplating a blog topic and thought about blogging about something I'm good at. Please join us and brew your own ripped body at home. I will be doing it with you and we will get ripped together. Feel free to look at my Google + profile!

Get ripped at home!

-Home Brewed